
"Creating value for our clients is realised through a combination of enthusiasm and analytical ability, without losing sight of reality.”


J.F. (Justin) van Halst MSc

Justin (1994) studied International Business Administration at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. During his studies he gained experience in various positions at Dümmen Orange, a large grower of flowers and plants. After completing his master in Strategic Management in 2016 he started a master in Finance & Investments. During this master he completed an internship at H2 Equity Partners, a renowned private equity fund in Amsterdam. After finishing his second master in 2018 he joined Maasdael.

The Rotterdam attitude of Maasdael and Justin match seamlessly, where honesty and hard work are key elements. In his job it is important to Justin to create transparency concerning financial issues, without losing sight of reality. His studies in strategy and finance, combined with enthusiasm and experience in the business, give Justin a fresh look to the client’s issues.

More about our philosophy Contact us


J.F. (Justin) van Halst MSc

- Director

T: + 31 10 241 34 49
M: +31 6 305 732 20