
Uitstekende referenties en een bewezen track-record in vrijwel alle sectoren met transacties in Europa, de Verenigde Staten en China.

J.P. (Jop) van Zwienen

Jop (2000) is a student at Erasmus University Rotterdam, following two different master’s programmes (Financial Economics and Dutch Direct Taxes) simultaneously. His interest in finance was sparked during the Bachelor’s phase.

In 2021, Jop joined Maasdael Corporate Finance, taking the opportunity to become part of this specialized and ambitious team. The dynamic work environment, contact with clients, and personal responsibility make his tasks challenging.

Jop is a sociable person, and the Rotterdam working mentality suits him well, combining hard work with conviviality. Provide insight into financial issues is important to him. It motivates Jop to create a valuable report that both clients and he himself ultimately find satisfying.

Neem contact op tekst

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J.P. (Jop) van Zwienen

- Analyst

T: + 31 10 241 34 40
M: +31 6 390 801 81